
The Post About The Rabbit Recommends v.108: Oscar Edition

Each week or so I post a readable or watchable and/or a listenable of which I'm fond. You can choose what happens after my recommendation. Ignore, embrace, debate. Earlier volumes of The Rabbit Recommends can be found here. 

 {illustrations by Derek Eads}
The Oscars begin in just a few hours and I'm giddy as get-out. I've always fancied red carpets and couture gowns and celebrities who lose in public.

Tonight, I'm particularly excited because an Alabama native, Octavia Spencer, will hopefully win a Best Supporting Actress trophy for her role as Minnie in The Help. This Montgomery native and Auburn alum deserves it. I promise to tweet "War Eagle" if she wins.

As for the Best Picture nominees, I'm a tad disappointed because only about half of the 9 flew up my skirt and I outright disliked a couple.

Here's my grade and brief take on each film for future DVD rental purposes:

1. The Help: A- I thought it was well-acted and moved at a good pace. The quiet moments were rich and the plot drew you in. However, as a reader of the book, it fell a little short of the glory found in the pages.

2. Moneyball: A I don't even like baseball and I adored this film. I'm a sucker for an "inspired-by-true-events" and Brad Pitt was at his best. And I'm not just saying that because he's pretty.

3. The Descendants: A- I'd like to post a disclaimer. I watched this after just having returned from Hawaii, the setting of this film. George Clooney is the most beautiful person on the planet and I like every single job he's had - including his stint on Roseanne. That being said, this movie was touching, witty, and smart. A combo that's a rare gem.

4. Tree of Life: C- Visually? Stunning. Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain? Moving. Plot? I'm not sure I even know what happened.

5. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close: B I adored this novel as well by Jonathan Safran Foer and wanted to love this film. I mean, it's Tom Hanks. But as imagined, he's not in it very long and the weight of the movie rests on the shoulders of Thomas Horn. He seems like a great kid, but his acting is what affected the grade. He just didn't communicate the grief so crucial to the plot. 

6. The Artist: B- Beautiful cinematography and so gracefully nuanced that I was paying close attention. I was genuinely attached to George and Peppy throughout the film. But I learned this about myself: Jamie likes sound.

7. War Horse: A  It was so good, I cried. Twice. For someone who doesn't think animals go to heaven, that should be reason enough to add it to your queue.

8. Midnight in Paris D I know some of you rabbit readers have already mentioned how much you loved this film. I wanted to love it. I watched it once on a plane and then gave it another shot on DVD thinking my dislike was fueled by altitude. However, even at sea level, it was not enjoyable.

9. Hugo A- An orphan working on a robot in France in the 1930's? It was fabulous. Another tear-jerker. Minus points because it was in 3-D. Those glasses are ridiculous.

Note: If I was a member of the Academy, I would have voted for Moneyball.

Disagree with my assessments? Did you see any of the nominees? What film should have been nominated?


The Post About Random Rabbits

I know.

Don't even say it.

I'm avoiding you.

It's not that I haven't thought of you. It's not that I haven't wanted to write a post. It's not that I haven't chased rabbits out loud alone in my living room while watching New Girl.

I have.

Let's see if I can share with you some of the things that have kept me from you.

1. Shopping for postcards. I offered to send you, the Rabbit Reader, a postcard via the old-fashioned US Postal Service and you responded kindly. Those go out this weekend. It's not too late to get your home sweet home included - just comment on this post.

2. The Walking Dead mid-season premiere. These were dessert. Yes, they are red velvet inside. Just like Aunt Fern would like. If you are not watching this show, please consider this your personal invitation. Season 1 is on Netflix. Don't let the zombies distract you - it's really about relationships. IT'S SO GOOD.

If you ARE watching - how crazy great was that bar scene last week?

3. My Job. Work has been side-hugging me HARD this week. But when kids find forever families and moms or dads are able to be better parents, you cannot complain about longer hours. Part of this month was spent cooped up in retreat scheming how to better help Alabama families. This view was a motivator.

4. Valentine's Day. This year I made almost 200 cake pops ordered by friends from east to west. Thank you for supporting the "JamieWantsaNewCameraBody" miracle fund.

5. Girl Scout Cookies. Have we been tricked? This method of supply and demand - availability only once a year - has sung a siren's song over us and we are following wherever those little ladies lead. 

Note: Two of the above boxes are no longer in existence. Unless you count their new home on my thighs.

6. Downton Abbey. You're watching this right? It's the Days of Our Lives of the early 1900's. Playing the roles of Bo and Hope are Matthew and Mary. This is another show that can be enjoyed from the comfort of Netflix. I'm planning a little season finale shindig on Sunday night. These DA Paper Dolls from Vulture will be serving as place cards.

7. Blog Unsubscribing. Before 8:20pm last night, I subscribed to more than 200 blogs. After 8:20pm, I subscribed to 0. I don't know if it was a combination of one to ten Hershey's Kisses chased by expiring Almond Milk, but I wiped my Reader slate clean.

Feel free to share your blog address in the comments to be added to my new and improved Google Reader.

{images: Jamie}


The Post About Sending You A Postcard

Arizona Postcard
I went to Arizona for the first time last year. Holy moly it's pretty.

But there aren't trees. Anywhere. And Jamie needs her shade.

This postcard found its way to my mailbox when Leanne Shirtliffe of Ironic Mom offered to write her readers a lil' note if they asked.

Arizone Postcard
I asked.

Since February 7 is Send A Card To A Friend Day and since we are friends and since I told Leanne I would eventually steal this idea...

I want to send you a postcard.

If you would like to receive a bit of my handwriting from sweet home Alabama, then follow these 2 easy steps.

1.Write “yes” in your comment below and leave a word you'd like me to include in my note. My word for Leanne was "flustrated" which is my favorite malapropism. Say it out loud. Isn't it great?

2. Email or Direct Message me your mailing address: JamiesRabbits@gmail.com.

{images: Jamie}


The Post About Thank You and You're Welcome

Heart. Candlelight.
Last week I invited you to a one-day Quasi-Wedding/Baby Shower to raise money for Children's Aid Society in Alabama. CAS advocates for children in great ways.

You RSVP'd in the loveliest way.

Thank you to following who gave of their wallets and/or valuable social media real estate to spread the word. 
  1. Katy McCay: The McKay Family Adventures
  2. Sarah McDonnell: Twitters
  3. Knox McCoy: Knox McCoy
  4. Robin Hill: Alabama Slacker Mama
  5. Erin Moon: Twitters
  6. Lindsay Goodall: Lindsay Goodall
  7. Haley Bragg: Haley Bragg Designs
  8. Micha McCallum: Cookin Mimi
  9. Jenn Fox: Twitters
  10. Katherine Hilton: Grass Stains
  11. Molly Graham: Twitters
  12. Melanie Erickson: A Day In The Life of Melly
  13. Ruth Tinsley: Bogue and Weejer
  14. Jaklyn Larsen: Life As I Pretend To Know It
  15. Beth Bryan: Unskinny Boppy
  16. Andi Cumbo: Andi Lit
  17. Roger Spires: Twitters
  18. Julie Shreve: The Esau Project
  19. Jennifer Hudson: A Thousand Tongues
  20. Keri Flowers: Journeys
  21. Dena Griswold: Twitters
  22. Keith Golden
  23. Kevin Callway
  24. Terra Mortensen
  25. Allison Peatross
  26. Jill Sexton
  27. Julie Scoggins
  28. Denise Buxton
  29. Charles & Jan Golden 

Learning moment: I directly messaged 23 of my closest friends and family members and asked them to make a donation. Three of them make an appearance on the above list. 

That's why I fancy you all so much.

Friends are not just the people you bump into at the post office. Family are not just the folks you bump into at the reunion.

Rabbit hugs for all.

And you thought I forgot about the Roku, didn't you? I did.

Congrats Sitzes! You're welcome. Email me at jamiesrabbits@gmail.com to collect your bounty. HIMYM is...wait for it...

Rabbit's Foot-Note: Another giveaway starts this week. It's killer. 

{image: Jamie}


The Post About Helping Me Change Kids' Lives. Seriously.

So far, no one has been asked to buy me a wedding or baby gift. Much to my mom's dismay.  

So how about a trade?

I joined the staffing team at Children's Aid in 2006 to plan events. Accepting that job was accepting a front row seat for heartache and high fives.

  • Approximately 300 foster kids in Alabama are waiting for a forever family. The average time in care is almost 3 years.
  • 1 in 4 kids in Alabama live in poverty. Poverty can impede children’s ability to learn. It can also contribute to poor physical and mental health. 
  • 200 kids age out of foster care each year in Alabama. Over half of youth who age out will experience one or more episodes of homelessness, and nearly 30% will be incarcerated at some point.
High Fives:
  • CAS has seen more than 100 kids matched through adoption with forever families.
  • CAS served almost 10,000 individuals last year and assisted them in being part of healthy and safe families.
  • CAS is employing and training hundreds of youth who will likely age out of foster care. Through our work, they will have the life skills to overcome the odds.
Would you consider making a donation to CAS today in honor of Alabama Gives Day? Even if you're not from Alabama? 

My goal is to raise $500 in 24 hours with my Quasi-Wedding/Baby Gift for Jamie Fundraiser.

Here's my giving page: http://algives.razoo.com/Jamie

What do you get? Tax deduction. Warm fuzzies. Plus, an old-fashioned postcard mailed from me to you. There will be doodles and cheerleader letters.

Thank you. Supporting CAS truly makes the difference in the lives of kids.

P.S. I wouldn't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do. I'm donor #1.

{image: Jamie}


The {Guest} Post About Having Kids vs. Not Having Kids

Today's guest rabbit stalker is Ricky Anderson of Ricky Anderson. Yeah, I can hear it. I bumped into Ricky on the internets through a circle of crazy people (see my Twitter feed) and we became friends. Friends who read each others' blogs. Friends who let each other win at Words With Friends. Yes Ricky, I'm letting you win every game...you're welcome. Ricky is funny...in my favorite way...quick and subtle wit. Enjoy and comment.

Oh, how we used to laugh.

My wife and I would pull up at a store or restaurant, and there we'd see it - the tall-tale minivan.

We'd park and start the timer while we watched.

Door open. Parent out. Sliding door open. Toys fall out. Parent curses and tosses toys back in. Parent unbuckles kid. Toy flies over parent's head. Parent turns red. Kid screams in parent's face. Parent drags kid to back of minivan and opens back hatch. Stroller falls out. Parent yelps in frustration. Kid continues screaming and starts kicking. Parent tries to unfold stroller. Parent tries to unfold stroller. Parent kicks stroller. Stroller unfolds parent. Parent stuffs gyrating squawkbox in stroller. Parent slams back hatch.

Time! 6 minutes, 14 seconds. We'd laugh as we got out and walked to the front door faster than the baby parade.

Fast-forward a few years, and now we've got our 5 month old son, Evan. Who's timing us?

Which got me to thinking about Having Kids vs. Not Having Kids...

Having Kids
Seeing your baby's smile first thing in the morning

Not Having Kids
Sleeping in past 5 AM.

Having Kids
You pack so many provisions for a 7 minute trek to Nanny's house that you look like you're about to embark on the Oregon Trail.

Not Having Kids
You can decide to go on vacation, book a flight, pack and get to the airport, all in under 2 hours.

Having Kids
Seeing how much your baby loves you and completely relies on you.

Not Having Kids
Far less poop.

Having Kids
Creating a safe and nurturing environment for your baby to grow up in.

Not Having Kids
You can actually leave the house and see your friends.

Having Kids
Getting home from work and hearing your son squeal in delight just the sight of you.

What are some differences you've noticed between Having Kids and Not Having Kids?

Ricky Anderson writes stuff. Sometimes people read it. Sometimes he gets boring. That's when he has others write for him. He's on Twitter. He's currently a network administrator at an accounting firm, but he's open to being a movie star. 

Jamie's note: Read his blog. Follow him on Twitter. I mean it. 

Nathan Fillion loves Ricky. But in a cool dude way. Hopefully.
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