You noticed, right? My self-esteem may or may not be wrapped up in the idea that you noticed.
Later this week I'll tell you where I was. It involves one of the following:
A. Finalizing my soon-to-be-shopped manuscript.
B. Developing a business plan for my own baking business.
C. Watching TV marathons on Roku and falling asleep on the loveseat.
Don't try to guess. Just wait.
One thing I'll go ahead and reveal is a sneak peek of the new Jamie's Rabbits.
Before the new design launch later this week, I'd like to do a final inquiry on what people like and don't like about blogs. So answer me this...
What do you like and don't like about blogs?
I'll answer first.
- I like blogs that have a lot of pictures and very short paragraphs. Just like in a children's book.
- I don't like blogs that don't have dates on posts. I need to know if each post was written before or after Michael Jackson died.