
The Post About $40 Target Gift Card Giveaway

I'm presenting a webinar for work next week entitled "What Every Parent Should Know About Social Media."

I'd like you rabbit readers to do a bunch of the work. K? K.

Rabbit sidebar: How much do I loathe reply text messages that just read "k"? Spoiler: I loathe it hard.

My employer probably won't pay you for being my webinar researcher, so let's have a giveaway!

How To Enter:
Leave a comment answering the question:

What's a tip you would give parents about social media?

**2 Extra Credit Entries**

Each of the following will give you 1 extra entry. Make sure to leave a separate comment for each, whether you're doing it for the first time or you've already done it in the past.

1. "Like" Jamie's Rabbits on

2. Follow Jamie's Rabbits on

Important Details: Open to anyone in the US or Canada. Must enter before 11:59pm CST on Monday, July 25 to qualify. Winners will be chosen randomly using Research Randomizer and announced next week. Obviously, anonymous folks can't win unless they leave a name in the comment.  

P.S. Although I spend money at Target like I'm a trophy wife with a generous trust fund, they don't know the first thing about this blog or this giveaway.  

Meanwhile...We have two winners for the iTunes/Pandora Giveaway!
$25 iTunes Winner: #200 = Jenny - "I LOVE Adele's new album!"  
Pandora 1-Year Membership: #149 =  Debra F. (who won for following on Twitter) "The last album I bought was Stevie Nick's 'In Your Dreams' and I do love it." 
Congrats ladies! Email me at jamiesrabbits@gmail.com to collect your bounty!

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