I've been keeping a food journal in order to determine the outcome of "you are what you eat."
After 6 months of entries, let's review the 10 foods my journal tells me I eat the most.
1. / 2. Coke Zero & Diet Dr. Pepper: Combine the light fizz of a fresh 2 liter and the siren song of caffeine and I'm a loyal patron.
3. One a Day Multivitamin: If you saw my daily entries, then you would notice I'm missing a few things. Like nutrients.
4. Hormel Little Sizzlers: This is where my transparency will likely solicit your harsh judgment. I love sausage. But only this brand which is difficult to locate. Therefore, you and the Publix cashier are kindred spirits in condemnation as she places 5 packages into my canvas bag.
5. 90 Calorie Ice Cream Snickers: Pure heaven. And I try to eat no more than 2 a day.
6. Special K Cinnamon Pecan Cereal: I prefer my cereal with a cartoon character and a brightly colored game on the box, but I recognized the need to balance out all the sausage.
7. DiGiorno 200 Calorie Pizza: I love pizza. But no matter how cheap it is, you shouldn't cook or order one whole pizza if you are eating alone. You might as well clean out a drawer for Satan because you two are shackin' up.
8. Sweet & Salty Nut Granola Bars: Not the lowest in calories for a "snack" but I buy these in bulk - they're that good. Plus, it's granola which is the closest I'm getting to the bottom of the food pyramid.
9. Whole Wheat Pita Bread: My muffin top needs salty chips to survive. I'm weaning her off life support by making homemade pita chips with a spritz of olive oil, freshly ground pepper, and 5 minutes under the broiler. Perfect for salsa, dips, and when your body demands the retention of water.
10. Cheez-its: Ahh...my sweet companion. You may be surprised to find this so far down on the list of a Cheez-it devotee such as myself. However, there are 7 other flavors of this snack cracker seeded in my consumption bracket.
So tell me - what "healthier" snacks or easy foods do you adore? Help a girl out.
Note: I use My Fitness Pal to track food. It's the #1 free healthcare & fitness app on iTunes. It's also available for Android and Blackberry, or you can use the classic website format. I could not recommend it more, plus you can find me and we can be friends there too. My username is JamiesRabbits. Bonus of friending me? You'll know how much weight I've lost since I started.