
The Post About My Potter Hands

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Chalkboards always mean learning.

And asthma attacks.

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I went back to class to endure mudpie flashbacks.

Great flashbacks.

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But potters with skills and tools and favor of the Lord can actually create something more practical than a dirty dessert.

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And much more beautiful.

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My learning would be tested on the front lines.

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A wheel with a gas pedal.

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Block of mud.

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Gas Pedal + Mud + imagining Patrick Swayze guiding my hands = bowl.

This changed my life.

Plus, this wasn't some crackpot studio in the woods with master potters who don't brush their hair.

Oh no.

Earthborn Pottery has beautiful pieces found in restaurants across the country including Hot and Hot Fish Club, The Bellagio, The Beau Rivage, and more! You can snatch your own gorgeous pottery by visiting Earthborn's home on the web.

If you live in the metro Birmingham area - you have more options to make the mud a part of your life.

  • Six week classes (2 hour class each week plus unlimited studio use for working out the kinks)= $150.
  • Pottery Shindigs - $35 per person, lasts two hours and can be scheduled anytime. Find at least 5 friends and make it happen. P.S. I will be your friend.
Information can be found at Cahaba Clayworks.

Drinks-n-Drawing is so 2008. Pottery is the new black.

My pottery shindig was spent with the following:

Rachel from
Grasping for Objectivity and Alabama Bloggers
Tammy from
Nanci from
Birmingham Mom Online
Trina from
XOXO, Trina
Mama Hen from
Long Days, Short Years
Leigh from
Tales from Bloggeritaville
Rhoda from
Southern Hospitality
Jill from
Jill's Real Life
Cheri from
Chez Cheri
Jessica from
Thoughts of a Bama Belle
Beth from
Unskinny Boppy

- thank you for such a fun day!

{images: Jamie}
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