
The Post About Keep Calm and Carry On

Carryon Please
I need to be filling this bag you see with all good things for a much-needed trip away that will have me landing in California in a mere 24 hours.

I'm dreading the getting there. Two planes requiring 5 hours of recycled air and two 6-oz sodas passed off as sustenance.

Then there's my ADD. This will play out with me having books and mags and podcasts and a movie and SweeTarts packed in my carryon in hopes of defending myself against becoming THAT passenger. You know the one who fidgets and stares. Sometimes out the window. Sometimes at you. You might be awake and quietly reading about stock options or the must-have items found in the SkyMall magazine. You might be sleeping in a contorted position dreaming of solid ground beneath your feet.

It doesn't matter. At some point, without proper medication, I will begin to stare at you. Or your hands. Or your laptop. Neither of us will know what I'm looking for. But I will look nonetheless.

I apologize in advance for creeping out those seated in 22B and 16B.

{image: Jamie}
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