
The Post About Tree Huggin' and Kissin'

Today is Earth Day. I know that means different things to different folks. We could probably even start a nice and juicy political discussion, but let’s not and say we did.

I’d like to focus only on the issues of simplicity and stewardship. I’m not someone you would call simple. Maybe simple-minded at times, but I’m all about the more the merrier in my life. More shoes, more caffeine, more Tivo, more miles on the car. But the newsflash is none of my worth comes from any of those things. Perhaps if I could embrace that, I would live a simpler life. Secondly, I believe any stuff I do have is actually on loan from God so I need to value it like I value Him.

Here are my quick tips on how we all can lead simpler and stewardishy lives:
a. Avoid buying bottled water. Get a nice shiny reusable aluminum bottle and fill it to your heart’s content.
b. Wash towels only after using them more than once. Be discerning about your dirtiness.
c. Use the library for books, CDs, and movies. (I just cancelled Netflix and my book club membership.)
d. Get off junk mail lists.
Greendimes will help make that happen.
e. Don't pre-rinse dishes. Tests show pre-rinsing doesn't improve dishwasher cleaning, and you'll save as much as 20 gallons of water per load.

Do you have tips of your own? Do you?

GIVEAWAY UPDATE: I promised a little prize today and Kristi is the winner! She wins her own special bag of fair trade Ugly Mug Coffee! I personally picked out Good Vibes because being greener definitely gives you those. {cheese}
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