
The Post About Literature

I am mixing a Beth Moore conference and reading for a nice cocktail of a weekend.

Here is a top ten of books I love and recommend: (in no particular order)
1. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold: A 14 year old girl is killed. We meet her as she is exploring heaven and witnessing the current lives of her family and friends.
2. Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller: His best book (even better than Blue Like Jazz). We are all looking for redemption and it can only be found in one place.
3. The Road by Cormac McCarthy: A story of a father and his son after the apocalypse. Won the Pulitizer Prize and made my list. Mr. McCarthy should be proud of both.
4. Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol: Poverty is crushing. This shaped my perspective of government and my responsibility as a citizen.
5. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers: Retelling of the Biblical story of Hosea. Crazy great.
6. Mary Poppins series by P.L. Travers: #7 Cherry Tree Lane is one of my favorite places to visit. She is a heroine to be respected (unlike the skanky Ariel)
7. Emma by Jane Austen: Austen writes detailed and in-depth characters. Mr. Knightly is the fairest of them all.
8. Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis: I think this is Lewis' best. A senior demon mentoring his demon nephew in the ways of temptation - ways used against me on a daily basis.
9. Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell: Leadership is all about influence. This book outlines how to use that power for good.
10. America: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy's Inaction by Jon Stewart: Funniest. Book. Ever. My Mom bought it for me even though the Supreme Court Justices are naked. I love her.
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